I am a chiropractor hereinafter referred to as (“Chiropractor”) and by submitting my request for consideration or my payment of fees, I hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:
The site is www.best-chiropractors.org and is hereinafter referred to as (“B-C”).
- Commencing with payment to “B-C” the term for inclusion on “B-C” will be either monthly and paid monthly or 1 year, paid yearly. You expressly agree that there are no refunds for any reason and that you are paying solely for a listing on Best-Chiropractors.org.
- At the end of the term if parties do not notify one another in writing within 30 days of the end of this agreement, the agreement shall automatically renew under the same terms for a new period. Cancellations may be made by emailing a notice of cancellation from the chiropractor’s email address listed on “Chiropractor’s” “B-C” page, to ⦁ [email protected]
- Note: For those who execute a one-year agreement, “B-C” will add an extra page for chiropractor or add chiropractor to an additional city of chiropractor’s choice upon notification from chiropractor of the desire to be listed on more than one page.
- Placement on www.best-chiropractors.org is on the city that most represents where the “Chiropractor” is located. “B-C” may, at its discretion, modify the number of pages or cities “Chiropractor” may be represented on. “B-C” may, at its discretion, allow “Chiropractor” to be listed on a city in an area that is not most representative, if “B-C” believes it will serve chiropractors, “B-C,” or potential clients’ best interests.
- “B-C” makes no representations as to how many leads chiropractor will receive if any or to the quality of the leads should chiropractor receive any.
- “Chiropractor” understands that search engines alone determine where a website or a website’s page will rank in search engine results.
“B-C” makes no representations as to how well “B-C” currently ranks on search engines or how well “B-C” will be able to rank any page in the future. - “Chiropractor” agrees to promote “B-C” by placing a badge supplied by “B-C” on “Chiropractor’s” website that links back to the “B-C” website without any alteration in the code provided by “B-C”. “Chiropractor” will make a good faith effort to place the badge in a conspicuous area on a well-trafficked page.
- Should the badge cease to link the chiropractor’s site to “B-C”’s site, it is “Chiropractor’s” responsibility to notify “B-C”. After such notification, it is “B-C’s” responsibility to correct the issue if it is originating from the www.best-chiropractors.org site.
- If the problem originates from chiropractor’s site, “B-C” will assist “Chiropractor” if the “Chiropractor” provides “B-C” support team access to the “Chiropractor’s” site functionality (access to the dashboard on a content management system like WordPress, Joomla, etc.). If the issue requires more than reinstituting the link, and requires changes or corrections to Chiropractor’s site, “Chiropractor” agrees to perform those changes or corrections in a timely manner, at Chiropractor’s cost.
- If the problem is due to an error within the “B-C” site, “B-C” has discretion to add additional time to “Chiropractor’s” term without cost to “Chiropractor”.
- “B-C” controls the number of chiropractors listed in a given city or state. At all times we endeavor to keep the number of listed chiropractors small enough to ensure quality marketing exposure for each listed chiropractor.
- The “B-C” site lists chiropractors; the “B-C” site does not list chiropractic practices.
- “B-C” strives to promote only chiropractors who are active in chiropractic and who are striving to stay knowledgeable of best practices and changes in chiropractic treatment.
- “B-C” limits the number of chiropractors in a given geographical area to a number that prevents oversaturation of chiropractors being listed. In no way does “B-C” promise an exclusive territory to any chiropractor.
- The “Chiropractor” may request one additional qualified chiropractor from listed chiropractor’s practice to be added to chiropractor’s represented city at an additional cost. Inclusion is solely at “B-C” discretion.
- The fee for a second chiropractor from a given practice that is accepted is one-half of the fees of the first “Chiropractor” and the agreement will run concurrent with that of the first chiropractor.
- The chiropractors may be listed in a way that separates each listing in a city in order to increase the overall contacts that may result through the multiple listings.
- Both fees must be paid with the same credit card and billed as one combined fee each month or each quarter if not paid yearly. Each chiropractor will have a badge awarded and agree to display that badge on their individual professional page on the practice’s website.
- At no time can any practice have more than two chiropractors represented in a city.
- The badge provided for “Chiropractor’s” website may only be used in accordance with the Terms of Service on the “B-C” website.
- The fee for this agreement is based on the region in which “Chiropractor” offers services and is at the discretion of “B-C”. Fees are adjusted based on whether chiropractor is paying monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
- Fees may be increased once yearly by not more than 25%. (If “B-C” increases by 10 percent for example there will be no other increase allowed for 12 calendar months.) In the event of an increase, “Chiropractor” will be notified at his or her current email address on her or his profile and given thirty days notice of intent to increase. If “Chiropractor” does not notify “B-C” that they wish to be removed, they agree that their fee may be increased and they agree to the additional charges on their credit card currently on file with “B-C”. “Chiropractor” further agrees that they will at no time request a refund of their paid fees.
- Removal with Cause: “B-C” may remove any chiropractor at any time for cause. Such cause can include, but is not limited to, failure to abide by “B-C” terms and conditions, loss of Chiropractor’s right to practice, any event in which Chiropractor’s membership places “B-C” in a negative light, etc. Such chiropractor removed for cause will forfeit any monies paid in. Any chiropractor who is removed for cause agrees that “B-C” is owed fees on any remaining term under the Agreement and that no refunds will be made for fees under the Agreement.
- Discretionary Removal with Pro Rata Refund: “B-C” may remove any Chiropractor at “B-C’s” discretion for any reason or no reason. If “B-C” removes “Chiropractor” and does not show cause, “B-C” will refund the prorated amount of whatever time remains that has been paid for that month, quarter, or year.
- i. NOTE: If “Chiropractor” has paid for a monthly, quarterly or yearly term and chooses to remove his or her self, there will be no pro-rata refund.
- “Chiropractor” grants “B-C” use of content on “Chiropractor’s” website and any other website containing information about “Chiropractor”. “B-C” will use said information solely for the purpose of listing and promoting “Chiropractor” and or “B-C” in the best possible light.
- “B-C” may use “Chiropractor’s” likeness and information about “Chiropractor” in “B-C’s” marketing of the site, in paid ads that bring traffic to the site, or otherwise at “B-C’s” discretion.
- “Chiropractor” firmly agrees that all information “B-C” uses will be checked by “Chiropractor” within 24 hours of notice from “B-C” that “Chiropractor” has been accepted. “Chiropractor” will notify “B-C” via email of any information requiring correction. Needed corrections can only be communicated via email to ⦁ [email protected].
- “Chiropractor” indemnifies “B-C” against any and all claims resulting from erroneous information on “B-C” site if “Chiropractor” has not notified “B-C” within 24 hours of the information going live. If “Chiropractor” does notify “B-C” and “B-C” fails to make corrections, “Chiropractor” agrees to notify “B-C” again within one week of the information being live.
- “Chiropractor” agrees “B-C” may use information “B-C” gathers regarding said “Chiropractor” in any way that promotes or assists the “Chiropractor” and/or “B-C”.
- “Chiropractor” agrees that once on “B-C” site, any and all information gathered regarding said “Chiropractor” is property of “B-C” and “B-C” has the right to use it after the term of the Agreement expires for whatever reason.
- Any and all disputes, controversies, claims, causes of action or demands arising out of or relating to this Agreement or any of its provisions, the providing of services by “B-C” to “Chiropractor”, or in any way relating to the relationship or formation of relationship between “B-C” and “Chiropractor”, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, at law or in equity, including but not limited to any claim or cause of action for fee dispute or breach of contract, for damages or any other relief, shall be resolved by binding arbitration pursuant to Section 154.027 of the Texas Civil Practices & Remedies Code. The arbitration shall be conducted by a panel of three qualified arbitrators, as defined by Section 154.052 of the Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code, consisting of one arbitrator appointed by “B-C”, one arbitrator appointed by “Chiropractor”, and the third arbitrator chosen by the two arbitrators selected by the Parties. Any such arbitration shall be conducted in Harris County, Texas. The arbitrators may resolve only questions specifically and expressly upon the parties as to the question or questions so submitted. There shall be no right of appeal or review from the decision of the arbitrators unless there is a showing that the decision was procured by corruption, fraud or undue means. The cost of arbitration shall be borne by the losing party.