Fort Campbell Chiropractic
Fort Campbell Chiropractic
1881 Fort Campbell Blvd
Clarksville, TN 37042

As an acute care facility serving the Ft. Campbell and Clarksville, TN, area, they offer an array of treatments to alleviate pain and support your overall health. Their mission is to make it easy for you to access the care you need with a practice you can trust.

Top Rated
Nebben Physical Medicine
Nebben Physical Medicine
282 Clear Sky Court
Clarksville, TN 37043

Nebben Physical Medicine specializes in advanced pain management and has revolutionized the traditional approach to pain. They understand that pain is common, and not normal, and you should not have to live with pain.
They have Medical and Natural treatments to achieve optimal results. They can maximize pain relief with the greatest improvement in the shortest amount of time. They create an individualized plan of care for you.
Nebben Physical Medicine combines quality healthcare, treatment, and rehabilitation. Their office was established in Clarksville to provide our patients with the best possible care. They are committed to helping our patients achieve an optimal level of health and enhance the overall quality of life.

Top Rated
Taylor Spine and Sports Rehabilitation
Taylor Spine and Sports Rehabilitation
1811 Memorial Dr
Clarksville, TN 37043

At Taylor Spine and Sports Rehabilitation, they want you to feel at home in their office. They offer the real-world experience and knowledge you expect from an effective integrated healthcare practice along with a caring, responsive attitude that will put you at ease.

Source Chiropractic
Source Chiropractic
1716 Memorial Dr
Clarksville, TN 37043

Source Chiropractic is located in Clarksville. Many people dismiss chiropractic as being something only for back pain, but chiropractic treatment can be used to treat a wide variety of physical issues, such as migraines and headaches, chronic pain, carpal tunnel, pain due to injury or muscle strain, and much more.Their chiropractic team at Source Chiropractic is ready to discuss your needs.

Care Chiropractic
Care Chiropractic
2106-A Trenton Road
Clarksville, TN 37040

They specialize in patient centered care - tailored specifically to your needs. Whether you have a nagging pain in your back, constant headaches, or were injured in an auto accident or on the job, they can help!
They have helped thousands of patients in Clarksville, Fort Campbell, Oak Grove, Dover, Adams, and surrounding areas. Their patients know that they focus on them and on the wellness of their entire family.
Care Chiropractic also offers wellness care, which includes specific neurosensory therapy, nutrition programs, and education in creating healthy and active lifestyles focused on eating well, moving well and thinking well.

The Wild Doc
The Wild Doc
1715 Wilma Rudolph Blvd Ste E
Clarksville, TN 37040

He is certified with the CLEAR™ Institute, a non-profit organization formed to empower the chiropractic and medical community with the mission of implementing an effective chiropractic system of scoliosis treatment and care. It is the goal of CLEAR™ Institute to effectively treat the condition of scoliosis without the use of bracing or by performing surgery.
In 2012, he traveled to the London Olympics as part of a team of chiropractors caring for athletes competing in Judo, Wrestling, and Weight Lifting. The US teams earned 6 medals in these events, 3 of them being gold. Dr. Dale also serves as the chiropractor for TNA Impact wrestling stars, Crimson and Sam Shaw, to help keep them fighting fit.

Morrison Chiropractic
Morrison Chiropractic
6363 Ten Oaks Rd
Clarksville, MD 21029

For over 25 years, Dr. Brian Morrison &his staff have specialized in providing safe, state-of-the-art chiropractic care, in Howard County, MD. We are committed to our patients &love helping them get healthy, &helping them stay that way. No two people are the same, &neither are their injuries or physical problems. That is why we will specifically tailor each treatment program to the individual's needs &goals. We will administer sensible, well-designed treatment plans that provide the greatest benefit in the shortest time. Our team has always, &will continue, to prioritize producing the highest standard of customer service &patient care, through a tireless pursuit to expand our knowledge &abilities to best serve our community.

Clarksville Chiropractic Center
Clarksville Chiropractic Center
1636 Madison Street
Clarksville, TN 37043

Clarksville Chiropractic Center is a leader in providing top quality care to patients of all ages from infants to the elderly. Their comprehensive approach promotes healing through restoring structural functions to promote healing from injury as well as relief from chronic health conditions and overall vitality. They also support a philosophy of health coaching with collaborative care while enhancing the lives of our patients through highly effective treatment.

Hillcrest Chiropractic
Hillcrest Chiropractic
230 Hillcrest Drive
Clarksville, TN 37043

Hillcrest Chiropractic is a fully integrated wellness and rehabilitation practice dedicated to providing pain relief and management. Conveniently located in Clarksville, their state-of-the-art office is furnished with the high-quality instruments necessary to treat your condition.

2243 W. Lowes Dr. Suite C
Clarksville, TN 37040

ChiroStrength is THE ONLY facility in Clarksville Tn which offers Chiropractic and Fitness classes in one Clinic! This business will transcend what you currently think of as “Conservative care” and by leveraging the fitness and chiropractic industry together, ChiroStrength will not only provide relief from joint and muscle pain, but train the body, through carefully planned exercise programs, to move on a more solid foundation with much less risk of injury. ChiroStrength also offers several avenues to educate yourself about healthcare and fitness topics such as knowing the difference between injury and pain, safe ways to self-treat, and safe exercises for core, hip, and shoulder strengthening.

Wyatt Chiropractic
Wyatt Chiropractic
170 Holiday Dr.
Clarksville, TN 37040

If you've been trying to find a chiropractor, turn to Wyatt Chiropractic and Bodyworks of Clarksville. They offer free consultations to new patients, so you can come to our facility in Clarksville, TN, to discuss a potentially effective treatment plan. Their company is family-owned and -operated, so they do everything they can to create a warm and welcoming environment for our clients.


We have searched to find chiropractors in Clarksville who are experienced in a variety of chiropractic services and who are committed to ongoing education. Chiropractors chosen for our site must show that they are dedicated to chiropractic care and must keep a high standing of quality reviews from past clients. The doctors on stay abreast on the latest techniques and breakthroughs in chiropractic care. You can be confident that the doctor you contact through will help you find an answer.

If you are suffering from chronic discomfort, lower back pain and/or leg pain (sciatica), neck pain, repetitive strains, or headaches, we understand that you are seeking immediate relief. provides a comprehensive list of the best chiropractors in Clarksville. Our doctors have dedicated their career to helping clients find a cure to their pain and are prepared to serve you.  

If one of our chiropractors in Clarksville receives a complaint and does not respond to it in a satisfactory manner we can, and do, remove them from the site.