Serving Life Chiropractic
Background and Experience
Captivated by the thriving power of the human body at an early age, Dr. Denisa was led to pursue the healing arts. Her extensive background in competitive gymnastics and cheerleading made her appreciate the potential her body held to perform at a high level.
Her studies at Texas A&M University in exercise physiology gave her more insight and understanding into the inner workings of the human body. This further ignited her passion to awaken others to reconnect with their own innate ability to express pure HEALTH and POTENTIAL.
As a facilitator of healing, Dr, Denisa is honored to serve her community through her Dallas chiropractic office and inspire others to be led from withIN in health and in life.
Dr. Denisa Weber
3412 Rosedale Ave.
Dallas, TX 75205
(214) 543-2768