Chiropractic in Chicago Loop
Background and Experience
Dr. Gordon Fimreite and Chiropractic in Chicago in Loop has received numerous Chicago Best Chiropractor Honors. Dr. Fimreite has been in practice for over 20 years and has written a bestselling book on longevity called, 15 Steps to Healthy Living.
Dr. Gordon Fimreite of Chiropractic in Chicago Loop approaches care by maximizing the body’s ability to heal by reducing spinal imbalances and stress to the nervous system. Whether it’s realized or not, most people today have already experienced some degree of trauma to their spine and nervous system. The effects of a car accident, incorrect work ergonomics, stress, poor posture, heredity issues or past sporting injuries can remain dormant for months or even years – until suddenly an unexpected and excruciating pain arises. Through a chiropractic exam, we can locate mechanical or structural problems. This interference to the nervous system can be resolved through specific chiropractic care.
Our goal is providing high quality care not only for pain relief, but also for on-going wellness and holistic care to manage a healthier you. We’re finding a shift in healthcare – away from disease-oriented care to wellness and preventive care and chiropractic fits well within this scope.
Dr. Fimreite and Chiropractic in Chicago Loop welcomes inquiries and would be happy to serve your chiropractic needs.
Dr. Gordon Fimreite
77 W. Washington St., Ste. 601
Chicago, IL 60602
(312) 888-1707