We are not a directory: we keep our lists exclusive by limiting the number of chiropractors in each city.
We are exclusive to a small number of very qualified chiropractors in each city. Unlike directories who list every chiropractor in a given city (often times 100s), we keep our lists small to ensure ALL our chiropractors receive quality leads, receive the recognition they deserve, increase credibility, and to keep our site visitors engaged.
How Best-Chiropractors.org serves your potential patient:
We limit how many chiropractors are listed in the city so those seeking chiropractic care are not bombarded by choices. (Makes choosing easier in a stressful time.)
Each chiropractor has a complete profile providing strong proof to the searcher (potential patient) that our chiropractors are “real” doctors. We present multiple, clear ways to contact each chiropractor and calls can be made to the chiropractor with a single click.
We provide follow up via email to the potential client and if we do not hear back from them, we call them to ensure the doctor has followed up and they received the help they needed. (Knowing the site is responsive builds value to the consumer that the chiropractors are quality professionals.)
Because of our web development and SEO background, the site is designed to work well whether on desktop or mobile and the experience is customized for the specific device type someone is on.